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  1. able,energy,force,will,desire,want,having the means or power to do something
  2. abolish,produce,accumulate,waste,utilize,employ,to get rid of completely
  3. absurd,laugh,taunt,tease,ignorant,amaze,so untrue or without good sense as to be something to make fun of; silly or foolish
  4. accomplish,blunder,will,force,persuade,convey,to do; carry out
  5. accord,account,receive,seize,counterfeit,convey,to give or grant
  6. acknowledge,oath,testimony,falsehood,vow,submit,to admit to be true
  7. advice,judgment,faith,persuasion,confide,convince,opinion given as to what to do or how to do something
  8. advocate,plead,judge,scribble,assault,imply,to speak or write in favor of
  9. alloy,alley,ally,gold,hybrid,mongrel,a metal that is a mixture of other metals, or of a metal and something else
  10. aloof,intrigue,fascinate,attention,curious,deficiency,showing no interest or sympathy
  11. ambition,fantasy,disappointment,failure,aptitude,talent,strong desire to be successful or to gain power, fame, or wealth
  12. amnesia,memory,recall,remember,future,pore,the condition of suddenly forgetting all or some of the past
  13. antiseptic,water,virus,bacteria,drug,remedy,a substance that kills germs or stops their growth
  14. anxious,content,gratify,satisfy,carefree,serene,feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen; worried
  15. approximately,accurate,precise,remote,aloof,afar,almost exactly; nearly; about
  16. aptitude,deficiency,incompetent,apprentice,inherit,attitude,a natural ability; talent
  17. associate,ignore,neglect,disregard,unite,bind,to bring or come together as friends or partners
  18. balk,associate,agreeable,indulge,interfere,meddle,to stop and refuse in a stubborn way to move or act
  19. ban,punish,shun,avoid,imprison,picket,to have a rule against certain actions or things
  20. barrier,permit,gateway,port,entrance,exterior,a fence, wall, or other thing that blocks the way
  21. beehive,colonist,house,tree,honeycomb,wax,a box or other place for a colony of bees
  22. belated,deadline,postpone,frequent,delay,untimely,too late; not on time
  23. benefit,heal,hypocrite,typical,confide,hindrance,help; advantage
  24. besiege,vicinity,emancipate,guerrilla,bombard,withdraw,to surround a place with troops in order to capture
  25. bewilder,taunt,tease,solve,challenge,bewitch,to make confused; to puzzle
  26. bewitch,bewilder,confuse,bother,puzzle,possess,to use magic on; put a spell on
  27. bicker,debate,testimony,testify,guerrilla,battle,to have a small quarrel over an unimportant matter
  28. bicycle,tricycle,automobile,unicycle,chariot,wagon,a vehicle that has two wheels, one behind the other. It is moved by foot pedals and steered by a handlebar
  29. blunder,prejudice,impartial,deceive,illusion,forfeit,a foolish or stupid mistake
  30. bore,boar,winch,rig,shaft,derrick,to make by digging or drilling
  31. bribe,cost,gift,present,tax,tribute,a thing that is given or promised in order to get a person to do what that person does not want to do
  32. brutal,tolerance,endurance,sympathetic,anger,anxious,cruel and without feeling; savage
  33. calculate,calculator,abacus,compute,data,subtract,to find out by using arithmetic; compute
  34. cascade,river,bog,stream,tributary,marsh,a small, steep waterfall
  35. chimney,ceiling,fire,tube,brick,wall,a pipe or shaft going up above a roof to carry off smoke from a furnace, fireplace, or stove
  36. circulate,random,haphazard,chance,aimless,purpose,to move in a regular course and return to the same point
  37. cleaver,club,penknife,shovel,trowel,lathe,a heavy cutting tool with a broad blade, used by butchers
  38. coal,oil,gold,sand,stone,fossil,a black, solid substance that is dug up from the ground. It is used as a fuel
  39. collision,divert,separate,detach,radiate,momentum,the act of coming together with force; a crash
  40. compel,predict,elect,voluntary,option,able,to make do something; to force
  41. competitor,associate,partner,race,meddle,ally,a person or group that competes
  42. condemn,tease,taunt,testify,boycott,shun,to disapprove of or criticize strongly; call wrong or bad
  43. conduct,conquest,role,sober,responsible,accomplish,the way a person acts or behaves
  44. confide,advice,faith,persuasion,convince,sorrow,to share a secret or personal information with someone
  45. conscious,ignorant,oblivious,careless,conscience,reckless,aware of one's own feelings or of things in the surrounding area
  46. conspire,illegal,random,haphazard,chance,aimless,to plan together secretly to do something bad or unlawful
  47. contradict,agreement,plot,accord,correspond,cooperate,to say the opposite of
  48. core,peel,pare,skin,pulp,meat,the hard center of an apple, pear, and some other fruits
  49. counterfeit,genuine,reflection,mock,mimic,impersonate,made in imitation of the real thing in order to fool or cheat people
  50. country,continent,hemisphere,region,world,globe,an area of land in which a group of people live together under the same government; nation
  51. currency,sell,store,metal,penny,auction,the money that is used in a country
  52. cymbal,symbol,drum,bell,triangle,tambourine,one of a pair of brass plates that are used in orchestras and bands
  53. darn,bore,thread,garment,sow,needle,to mend by sewing stitches back and forth across a hole or tear in
  54. data,amount,quality,quantity,computer,study,facts and figures from which something can be learned; information
  55. deadline,belated,postpone,frequent,delay,untimely,the latest time by which something must be done or finished
  56. deceit,counterfeit,impersonate,bribe,conspire,illegal,the act or practice of lying or cheating
  57. deceive,mock,mimic,impersonate,conspire,counterfeit,to make someone believe what is not true; fool or trick; mislead
  58. decent,descent,rude,insolent,coarse,vulgar,proper and fitting; suitable
  59. decrease,increase,remove,isolate,divert,separate,to make or become less or smaller
  60. deficiency,vital,vitamin,sufficient,efficient,utter,a lack in the amount that is needed or expected; shortage
  61. delay,deadline,frequent,untimely,interval,belated,to put off to a later time; postpone
  62. demolish,construct,perform,accomplish,derrick,manufacture,to tear down; to smash
  63. desperate,dejected,discourage,disregard,discard,prudent,reckless or careless because one has lost hope
  64. dignity,tributary,absurd,blunder,impartial,deceive,the quality of being worthy of honor or respect
  65. discard,waste,produce,accumulate,utilize,retain,to throw away or get rid of something that is no longer wanted
  66. discipline,conduct,moral,role,perform,function,training that teaches one to obey rules and control one's behavior
  67. discourage,desperate,dejected,disregard,balk,prudent,to try to prevent by disapproving or interfering
  68. disregard,discourage,deceive,focus,observe,absorb,to pay no attention to; ignore
  69. disrupt,associate,agreeable,indulge,partner,ally,to disturb or interrupt the orderly progress of
  70. distress,counterfeit,confide,taunt,persuade,convince,to cause pain, sorrow, or worry to; to trouble
  71. distribute,segment,section,collect,gather,detach,to give out in portions; deal out
  72. dramatize,script,movie,actor,director,television,to make into a drama or play
  73. ebony,ivory,pulp,bark,trunk,palm,the hard, very dark wood of certain trees of warm regions
  74. eclipse,moon,sun,earth,sunset,revolution,a partial or complete darkening or hiding of a heavenly body by another
  75. eliminate,include,comprehensive,encompass,exhaust,waste,to get rid of; take out or leave out
  76. emancipate,severe,gentle,kind,illegal,law,to set free from slavery or from strict control
  77. embassy,factory,derrick,palace,school,hospital,the building where an ambassador lives and works
  78. embed,stamp,emboss,collide,darn,engrave,to set firmly in something
  79. emboss,embed,stamp,engrave,lathe,darn,to decorate with patterns that stand out from the surface
  80. eminent,anonymous,commonplace,trite,notorious,stately,standing above most others in rank or fame; very famous
  81. encounter,foresight,plan,scheme,haphazard,aimless,to meet by chance or unexpectedly
  82. engine,power,factory,car,force,motion,a machine that uses energy of some kind to make something run or move
  83. establish,demolish,perform,quest,belated,postpone,to begin or start; found; create
  84. estimate,accurate,precise,remote,falter,bribe,to make a general but careful guess about size, quality, value, or cost of
  85. eternal,sudden,abrupt,instant,immediate,definite,lasting forever; without a beginning or end
  86. even,mirror,glass,rough,surface,odd,flat, level, or smooth
  87. excellence,conceited,flattery,grand,dignity,aloof,the fact of being better or greater
  88. exile,shun,aloof,native,citizen,boycott,to force a person to leave his or her own country and live somewhere else; banish
  89. expand,shrink,contract,flexible,elastic,dense,to make or grow bigger or wider
  90. falter,gait,gallop,pace,hike,canter,to move in a shaky or unsteady way
  91. ferocious,tolerance,endurance,sympathetic,anger,anxious,fierce; savage
  92. fickle,steadfast,reliable,assurance,decisive,permanent,changing often in feelings or interests
  93. fillet,hamburger,spareribs,tuna,chop,roast,a piece of fish or meat without bones
  94. flexible,brittle,rubber,yield,curve,wax,capable of being bent easily without breaking
  95. flounder,gallop,gait,canter,migrate,balk,to move in a clumsy way
  96. flour,flower,mill,bread,cake,fluorine,a fine powder that is made by grinding wheat or other grain
  97. flower,root,bark,leaf,branch,flour,the part of a plant that bears the seeds and usually has brightly colored petals; a blossom or bloom
  98. foresight,shortsighted,nearsighted,farsighted,visual,scheme,the ability to look ahead and plan for the future
  99. forfeit,blunder,deceive,deceit,cheat,counterfeit,to have to give up or lose something because of a mistake or a failure to do something
  100. fowl,foul,meat,fillet,baste,broth,a chicken, turkey, duck, or other large bird that is raised for food
  101. fragile,vigorous,robust,hearty,sore,injury,easily broken or damaged; delicate
  102. frequent,untimely,delay,interval,belated,exceptional,happening often or time after time
  103. fruit,vegetable,bark,branch,root,leaf,the part of a flowering plant that contains the seeds
  104. gallery,galley,station,auction,office,embassy,a room, building, or other place for showing or selling works of art
  105. garment,rag,cloth,sew,darn,baste,a piece of clothing
  106. gong,siren,chime,bell,triangle,tambourine,a big metal disk that gives a loud, booming sound when struck
  107. gossip,fact,opinion,advice,confide,persuade,small talk about someone, often about things heard from others but not known to be facts; idle talk; rumors
  108. gratify,dejected,discourage,discontent,great,sympathy,to cause to feel pleased or satisfied
  109. gratitude,gratify,satisfy,thankless,praise,eminent,a feeling of being grateful for some gift, favor, or kindness; appreciation
  110. grief,smear,twist,bliss,righteous,compassion,deep and painful sorrow
  111. groan,grown,cry,sob,whimper,protest,to make a deep sound showing sorrow, pain, annoyance, or disapproval
  112. haul,hall,push,boat,race,life,to move by pulling; drag or tug
  113. haven,hazardous,peril,jungle,forest,desert,a place where a person can be safe
  114. hazardous,protection,haven,escape,secure,health,danger or something that is dangerous; risk
  115. heal,heel,medicine,physician,hospital,illness,to come or bring back to good health or sound condition; to cure or mend
  116. herd,heard,ranch,farm,corral,savanna,a number of cattle or other large animals that live and feed together
  117. heritage,relic,custom,generation,belief,homeland,something that is handed down from one's ancestors or from the past
  118. hesitate,haste,assurance,steadfast,reliable,decisive,to stop or wait for a moment because one is not sure
  119. hideous,pleasant,elegant,stately,magnificent,mishap,horrible to see, hear, or think about; very ugly or disgusting
  120. hinder,facility,accommodate,ally,encourage,oblige,to hold back; get in the way of
  121. hoarse,horse,dog,placid,tranquil,turbulent,sounding rough and husky
  122. homage,taunt,tease,balk,condemn,shun,anything done to show honor or respect
  123. honey,wax,hive,maple,sugar,pollen,a thick, sweet syrup that bees make from the nectar of flowers and store in honeycombs
  124. honorable,disgraceful,celebration,notorious,pitiful,pathetic,worthy of being honored or respected
  125. humid,parch,wither,shrivel,sponge,smear,full of water vapor; damp or moist
  126. humiliate,praise,flattery,conceited,shun,respect,to take away the pride or dignity of; cause to feel ashamed
  127. hypocrite,moral,sincere,loyal,steadfast,genuine,a person who pretends to be good, religious, kind, honest, or loyal without really being so
  128. hysteria,fun,blunder,absurd,panic,reserved,a wild fit of laughing or crying that gets out of control
  129. ignite,smolder,ember,ash,extinguish,chimney,to set fire to; make burn
  130. ignorance,absurd,aware,familiar,conscious,comprehension,lack of knowledge or education
  131. illegal,deceit,mislead,strict,prison,trial,not legal; against the law or rules
  132. illusion,guess,opinion,judgment,folly,advice,a false idea or mistaken belief
  133. important,insignificant,trivial,stately,trifle,trite,having much meaning or value
  134. improbable,random,expect,chance,haphazard,aimless,not probable; not likely to happen or be true
  135. inclination,repulsive,dislike,loathe,collision,opposition,a natural liking for or leaning toward something; tendency
  136. inedible,indelible,devour,consume,ravenous,diet,not good or safe to eat
  137. ineligible,provision,condition,modify,accept,limit,not able to be chosen for something according to the rules; not qualified
  138. infinite,sudden,abrupt,instant,immediate,definite,having no limits; without beginning or end
  139. insolent,honor,reverence,esteem,regard,worship,not having or showing the proper respect; rude
  140. intercept,indulge,ally,accommodate,encourage,oblige,to stop or take hold of on the way; cut off
  141. interval,generation,era,frequency,eternal,infinite,space or time between things
  142. intrigue,indifferent,neutral,frigid,careless,vain,to stir up the interest of; make curious; fascinate
  143. irrational,rational,sane,sound,logical,sensible,not making sense; absurd
  144. isolate,intrigue,fascinate,attention,absorb,deficiency,to set apart from others
  145. jubilant,downcast,sorrowful,grief,distress,pain,joyful and proud; glad
  146. knead,need,stir,mix,blend,whip,to press and squeeze over and over until ready for use
  147. knight,night,squire,king,queen,dragon,a man in the Middle Ages who was given a military rank of honor after training
  148. legible,illegible,illegal,inedible,legal,indelible,clear enough to be read easily
  149. legitimate,illegal,worthless,criminal,trial,prohibit,according to or allowed by law; lawful
  150. liable,exception,acquit,irresponsible,innocent,reckless,obliged by law to pay; responsible
  151. linger,leave,desert,vacate,abandon,depart,to keep on staying
  152. loathe,inclination,talent,fancy,adore,honor,to feel hate or disgust for
  153. lodge,embassy,dwell,reside,adobe,apartment,a small house or cabin that is used for some special purpose
  154. loiter,leave,desert,vacate,abandon,depart,to spend time in an idle way; linger
  155. luscious,vulgar,obnoxious,repulsive,disgust,dessert,having a delicious taste or smell; full of flavor
  156. magnificence,blemish,homely,grim,loathe,hideous,great and impressive beauty; splendor
  157. mandate,law,proclamation,bill,amendment,veto,the will of the people as made known to their representatives in government through votes cast in an election
  158. mane,main,tail,fur,coat,scalp,the long hair growing along or around the neck of a horse, male lion, or certain other animals
  159. manual,fingers,digit,craft,art,create,made, done, or worked with the hands
  160. messenger,cavalry,errand,runner,letter,mail,a person who carries a message or is sent on an errand
  161. metropolitan,neighborhood,society,commonwealth,citizen,resident,of or having to do with a large city, its suburbs, and other surrounding communities
  162. migrate,shun,aloof,native,citizen,boycott,to move from one country to another
  163. minor,stately,homely,magnificent,immense,quantity,lesser in size, importance, or amount
  164. minute,immense,average,dust,point,dot,very small; tiny
  165. misfit,social,neighbor,festive,competitor,ally,a person who does not get along well with other people
  166. mishap,fortunate,prosperous,luck,chance,opportunity,an accident that brings trouble; misfortune
  167. molten,dissolve,lava,water,petrify,volcano,made liquid by heat
  168. moral,morale,role,perform,action,opinion,having to do with right and wrong in conduct
  169. morale,moral,loyalty,devotion,vital,indifferent,the spirit, enthusiasm, or other state of mind of a person or group working toward some goal
  170. municipal,neighborhood,mayor,society,community,commonwealth,having to do with a city or town, or with its government
  171. mute,debate,voice,sing,hum,whisper,not able to speak
  172. negotiate,bicker,debate,testimony,testify,contract,to talk over a question, quarrel, or business deal in the hope of reaching an agreement
  173. neutral,guerrilla,battle,army,ally,enemy,not taking either side in a quarrel or war
  174. number,letter,math,serial,sequence,account,a symbol or word that is used in counting or that tells how many or which one in a series
  175. obscure,clear,distinct,apparent,obvious,bewilder,not easily understood
  176. obvious,obscure,conceal,confident,confusion,bewilder,easy to see or understand; plain; clear
  177. occasional,often,frequent,chronic,repeat,never,happening only once in a while
  178. offend,compliment,praise,tribute,esteem,sensitive,to hurt the feelings of; make angry or upset; insult
  179. omit,include,encompass,embody,embrace,conceal,to leave out
  180. opinion,fact,guess,truth,real,wrong,a belief based on what someone thinks to be true or likely
  181. opponent,associate,partner,race,meddle,ally,one who opposes or is against another in a fight, contest, or debate
  182. option,denial,refuse,account,waste,discard,the act of choosing; choice
  183. ore,oar,gem,jewel,vitamin,pebble,a rock or mineral from which a metal can be obtained
  184. overthrow,eternal,triumph,establish,trophy,acquire,to put an end to; cause to fall; defeat
  185. pacify,turbulent,agitate,arouse,quiver,somber,to make peaceful or calm
  186. panic,hysteria,fun,blunder,absurd,reserved,a sudden, wild fear that is not controlled
  187. pare,pair,pear,hack,chop,mince,to cut or trim away the rind or covering of; peel
  188. peak,peek,base,snow,spike,hike,the pointed top of a hill or mountain
  189. persistent,concede,yield,bestow,accord,admit,refusing to give up
  190. persuade,opinion,bribe,judge,guess,study,to get someone to do or believe something
  191. petrify,molt,dissolve,melt,freeze,solidify,to change into a substance like stone by replacing normal cells with minerals
  192. placid,turbulent,turmoil,noisy,ripple,loud,calm and quiet; peaceful
  193. pore,pour,book,pare,memorize,rote,to study or read with care
  194. portable,fix,firm,steadfast,lug,cumbersome,capable of being carried; easy to carry or move
  195. portion,distribute,collect,intact,detach,whole,a part that is given to a person or set aside for some use; a share
  196. pose,posse,fidget,photography,process,transit,to stay in a certain position for a time, especially in order to have one's portrait taken or painted
  197. postpone,deadline,frequent,untimely,belated,interval,to put off until later; to delay
  198. pretentious,eminent,embassy,stately,vital,vigorous,seeming or pretending to be important or excellent
  199. priceless,stately,immense,volume,bribe,magnificent,too valuable to be measured by price
  200. proclaim,veto,judgment,mandate,bill,amendment,to announce officially; make known to be
  201. progress,opposite,contrary,converse,contradiction,lapse,the process of moving forward
  202. prominent,eminent,concave,recess,crater,altitude,standing out from a surface; projecting
  203. prosperous,stately,mishap,famous,notorious,anonymous,successful, well-to-do, or thriving
  204. pulp,flour,wood,rind,root,starch,the soft, juicy part of a fruit
  205. purify,antiseptic,water,drug,remedy,polish,to make pure or clean
  206. pursuit,retreat,succeed,tread,obey,heed,the act of pursuing
  207. quake,placid,pacify,tranquil,soothe,console,to tremble or shake
  208. quest,adventure,travel,vacation,pilgrim,cruise,a hunt or search
  209. rage,hideous,magnificence,gratify,pretentious,conceited,great, uncontrolled anger; fury
  210. random,scheme,fortunate,formula,strategy,method,made or done without planning or purpose; made or done by chance
  211. ravenous,satisfy,gratify,decent,inedible,diet,very hungry
  212. realm,real,municipal,metropolitan,government,commonwealth,a kingdom
  213. rebel,guerrilla,associate,veteran,ally,battle,a person who fights against any kind of control or authority
  214. recent,resent,relic,antique,ancient,interval,done or made just before the present time; modern
  215. redeem,withhold,retain,account,bribe,trophy,to turn in for a prize or for a lower price
  216. reel,real,steadfast,dizzy,faint,trip,to move or stand in an unsteady way; stagger
  217. reign,rein,rain,king,election,term,a period of rule or government by a monarch
  218. reliable,fickle,whim,hesitate,postpone,questionable,capable of being trusted or depended on
  219. relic,recent,modern,urn,contemporary,era,a thing or part that remains from the past
  220. relish,ravenous,devour,detest,gratitude,dazzle,enjoyment
  221. reluctant,associate,agreeable,indulge,interfere,meddle,not wanting to do something; unwilling
  222. renovate,demolish,rebel,balk,devastate,overthrow,to make new or make like new; restore
  223. repulsive,relish,inclination,benefit,meddle,interfere,causing strong dislike or disgust; disgusting
  224. resolve,whim,fickle,hesitate,postpone,questionable,to decide; make up one's mind
  225. revise,demolish,recent,era,pore,memorize,to read with care and make needed changes in order to make better or bring up to date
  226. rote,understanding,thought,wrote,random,route,a fixed or set way of doing something; routine
  227. rouse,quiver,slumber,trance,hypnotize,placid,to wake; come or bring out of sleep
  228. ruthless,sympathy,righteous,grief,compassion,gratify,without pity or kindness; cruel
  229. safeguard,exposure,ravenous,gratitude,siege,assault,something that protects; protection
  230. sale,bribe,money,store,counterfeit,coupon,the act of selling something for money
  231. salvage,savage,accumulate,utilize,retain,discard,material or goods saved from damage, destruction, or going to waste
  232. salve,solve,oil,wax,prescription,solution,a greasy medicine put on wounds, burns, or sores to soothe or heal them
  233. scene,seen,event,character,occurrence,act,a place where something has happened
  234. secure,turbulent,anxious,gratitude,distress,turmoil,free from fear, care, or worry
  235. serial,cereal,sequence,number,account,random,having to do with a series, or in a series
  236. severe,sympathy,righteous,grief,compassion,gratify,strict or harsh; stern; not gentle or kind
  237. sheath,lathe,trowel,bushel,shaft,bore,a case for the blade of a knife or a sword or similar weapon
  238. similar,identical,familiar,contrary,contradict,opposite,almost but not exactly the same; alike
  239. simplify,complicate,muddle,meddle,interfere,obscure,to make something easier or simpler
  240. site,cite,sight,realm,neighborhood,commonwealth,a piece of land to be used for a special purpose
  241. sleigh,ski,bicycle,snowdrift,wagon,cart,a carriage with runners instead of wheels. It is used to travel over snow or ice
  242. smolder,ignite,kindle,ash,extinguish,chimney,to burn and smoke without a flame
  243. solution,rote,complicate,obscure,meddle,deduct,the act or process of solving a problem
  244. sprig,sepal,trunk,stick,bat,lathe,a little branch with leaves or flowers on it
  245. starch,flour,wood,bark,root,pulp,a white substance that is found in potatoes, grains, and many other vegetables
  246. stately,eminent,famous,commonplace,trite,minute,grand or having great dignity in appearance or manner
  247. station,base,foundation,deck,platform,pedestal,a place where a person or thing stands or is supposed to stand
  248. strategy,random,luck,fortune,battle,technique,the science of planning and directing military movements and operations
  249. strict,rude,carefree,anxious,serene,insolent,keeping to rules in a careful, exact way
  250. suite,sweet,suit,hotel,office,building,a group of connected rooms that are used together
  251. sum,some,subtract,quotient,difference,product,a result or total gotten by adding things together
  252. superlative,anonymous,commonplace,trite,notorious,famous,of the highest sort; being the very best
  253. supplement,segment,section,portion,whole,intact,something added to complete another thing or to make up for what was missing
  254. supreme,anonymous,commonplace,trite,inferior,famous,highest in power, rank, quality, degree, or authority
  255. surplus,surpass,gratify,sufficient,lack,deficiency,an amount more than what is needed; that which is left over; excess
  256. suspense,secure,content,satisfy,carefree,serene,the condition of not being certain or at ease
  257. symbol,cymbal,concept,language,alphabet,volume,an object, mark, or sign that stands for something else such as another object, or for an idea or quality
  258. sympathize,advise,faith,persuade,convince,grief,to share the feelings or ideas of another; feel or show sympathy
  259. tale,tail,journalism,news,imagination,dream,a story about things that are made up or imagined
  260. tariff,trade,bribe,gift,tribute,cost,a tax that is placed on goods that are brought into one country from another or, sometimes, on goods that are sent out of a country
  261. technique,random,luck,fortune,legal,progress,a way of using tools, instruments, or materials and following rules in doing something artistic or carrying out a scientific experiment
  262. tempo,metronome,note,rest,meter,measure,the rate of speed for playing a certain piece of music
  263. torrent,trickle,tributary,bog,swamp,drought,a swift, rushing stream of water
  264. toxic,vital,vitamin,vigorous,nutritious,antiseptic,having to do with or caused by a poison
  265. tradition,relic,ancestors,convention,belief,homeland,the handing down of customs and beliefs from generation to generation
  266. tranquil,turbulent,turmoil,noisy,ripple,loud,calm or peaceful
  267. tributary,trickle,torrent,bog,swamp,whirlpool,a stream or river that flows into a larger one
  268. trophy,victorious,game,triumph,souvenir,lose,something that is kept as a reminder of some victory or success, such as a silver cup from a sports contest
  269. trowel,hammer,saw,brush,lathe,razor,a tool with a flat blade for making plaster smooth or for spreading mortar on bricks
  270. truce,treaty,battle,soldier,plot,neutral,a stop in war or fighting for a time, when both sides agree to stop fighting
  271. tundra,forest,jungle,continent,hemisphere,country,a large, flat plain without trees in the arctic regions
  272. turbulent,happy,placid,blissful,rapid,tranquil,very excited or upset; wild or unruly
  273. turret,torrent,moat,fortress,drawbridge,balcony,a small tower that sticks out from the walls of a building, usually at a corner
  274. typhoon,sprinkle,typhoid,blizzard,flood,rain,any violent tropical cyclone that starts in the western Pacific
  275. ultimate,remain,decisive,definite,primary,preliminary,final; last
  276. unanimous,contrary,rebel,opposition,converse,contradiction,showing complete agreement; with no one opposed
  277. unique,same,common,unity,standard,lonely,being the only one; having nothing like it
  278. universal,distinct,unique,solitary,isolate,shun,of, for, or by all people; concerning everyone
  279. unruly,reserved,discipline,conduct,role,perform,hard to control or keep in order
  280. untimely,postpone,belated,deadline,frequent,delay,coming too soon
  281. uphold,besiege,withhold,competitor,meddle,rebel,to agree with and support against attack by others
  282. urn,pillar,column,bowl,vessel,base,a vase with a foot or pedestal
  283. utility,television,discard,utilize,municipal,metropolitan,a company that provides water, gas, electricity, or telephone service to the public
  284. utilize,ignore,utility,enjoy,resort,force,to put to use; make use of
  285. utter,segment,fulfill,satisfy,enough,udder,complete; total
  286. uvula,teeth,gum,tongue,throat,esophagus,the small, soft piece of flesh that hangs down at the rear of the mouth
  287. vacate,discard,loiter,accumulate,retain,exhaust,to make a place empty; to leave
  288. vain,vein,eminent,humiliate,praise,dignity,having too high an opinion of oneself; conceited
  289. valiant,coward,fear,strong,invulnerable,fortress,full of courage; brave
  290. vegetable,branch,sprig,sepal,root,stalk,a plant, or part of a plant, that is used as food
  291. vehicle,boat,wheel,engine,motor,steer,something used for carrying persons or things over land or in space
  292. vengeance,principle,conduct,moral,temperate,moderate,the act of getting even for a wrong or injury; punishment in return for harm done; revenge
  293. version,tale,fable,news,diagnosis,yarn,a report or description from one person's point of view
  294. versus,for,together,ally,partner,associate,in a contest against
  295. veteran,army,navy,marine,colonel,sailor,a person who has served in the armed forces
  296. vicinity,metropolitan,commonwealth,municipal,aloof,homeland,a nearby or surrounding area; neighborhood
  297. victorious,lose,vicious,award,trophy,medal,having won a victory
  298. vigorous,vital,vitamin,urgent,muscle,important,full of vigor; living or growing with full strength
  299. vile,thief,sin,crime,guilt,villain,very evil or wicked
  300. villain,vanilla,hero,crook,thief,sin,an evil or wicked person
  301. violate,oath,pledge,vow,testimony,reliable,to break or fail to keep a law, rule, or promise
  302. violent,strong,pain,impair,compulsion,compassion,showing or acting with great force that causes damage or injury
  303. vital,important,urgent,significant,sick,toxic,necessary to life
  304. vocabulary,sentence,book,dictionary,letter,paper,all the words of a language
  305. volcano,lava,mountain,hill,surface,meteor,an opening in the earth's surface that forms when melted rock from deep inside the earth is thrown up
  306. vouch,deny,contradict,lapse,falter,hesitate,to give a guarantee
  307. vow,violate,deny,fickle,contradiction,falsehood,a serious promise or pledge
  308. vulgar,ugly,awkward,clumsy,insecure,conceited,showing bad taste or bad manners; crude; coarse
  309. wagon,car,bus,truck,train,boat,a vehicle with four wheels that is pulled by a horse or horses and is used to carry heavy loads
  310. warrant,law,legal,bill,mandate,veto,an official paper that gives the legal power to do something
  311. waste,money,utilize,employ,accumulate,produce,to use up or spend without real need or purpose; make bad use of
  312. water,air,sky,nitrogen,helium,soda,a liquid that has no color and is made up of hydrogen and oxygen
  313. waver,steadfast,ignorance,question,confidence,reliable,to show doubt or be uncertain
  314. whim,steadfast,reliable,decisive,assurance,permanent,a sudden thought or wish to do something, without any particular reason
  315. wring,ring,spin,twirl,swirl,pull,to squeeze and twist with force
  316. yearn,yarn,vital,gratify,satisfy,content,to be filled with longing or desire
  317. yolk,yoke,shell,white,center,chicken,the yellow part of the egg
  318. zeal,indifference,trivial,trifle,insignificant,yearn,a strong, eager feeling; great enthusiasm